Sub title

My journey to finding healing, happiness, and me.
You will also find many random posts of some of the most random-est stuff :)

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 6: 365 Gratitude

Today was a good day :)

I am grateful for a million different things, but each day there are new things that weren’t there the day before to be grateful for. I’ll just mention those new things (mostly), because otherwise I’ll just be sitting here forever!

I am grateful and thankful for:

·         I didn’t have to wake up ‘til 9 this morning (even though it’s Monday)

·         My car started this morning (Annika had left the lights on for a couple hours the day before…battery was fine!)

·         Work was great, no problems

·         I am still sore from the Bar Method :)  Just another sign of how powerful it is. Pretty much every muscle in my body has been sore since Saturday. No other workout ever does that for me!

A Bar Method's harder than it looks!

This move is even harder. I can only do it with both feet down, and even then your arms kill

·         Did yoga stretching. Felt soooo good!

·         My supper was yummeh: a little bit of GF spaghetti, and a salad.

·         I just feel happy right now :)

·         I start my new job tomorrow morning at 9 am. It will go good, I know it!

·         Gonna take a shower soon, and then do a yogurt facial. Try one sometime…all you do is put plain Greek yogurt on your face, leave it there for about 10 minutes, then rinse with water. 

Use plain Greek yogurt

  It’s so cooling when you put it on, removes oiliness, helps to clear redness and acne, makes your face super soft, and shrinks pores. I noticed that it shrinks pores. If you’re like me and have big pores on your nose (of all places, sheesh) then you will like this :)
  Also, my face is super sensitive to most things, but NOT to the yogurt. Another plus.

·         The water bottle full of well water I got earlier from home (the BEST water in the world. I have never tasted any as good EVER.)

·         Occasionally I have a bad day, but most of them are good, great, or AWESOME!

·         My sweet little nephew, the cutest little dude ever. I just got to hold him a while ago…such a sweetie!

·         My Aiyanna honey…I got to see her today too. Her two little teeth coming in makes her smile all the cuter :)

·         And a ton more!



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