Sub title

My journey to finding healing, happiness, and me.
You will also find many random posts of some of the most random-est stuff :)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 4: 365 Gratitude | Exercise

A little over 2 weeks I started some workout challenges. It's really hard for me to work out because I have very little endurance, and tire out so quickly.

Then on Thursday, I crashed. I was exhausted to the core, and Friday was even worse. I stayed home, relaxed, sat around, and relaxed some more.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Struggles and Steps

I have hit day 14 on my workout challenges, and I couldn’t make myself do them. I just feel soooo tired.

What happens with me when I work out is that after doing it too many days in a row, I get an onset of extreme fatigue, pain, and almost flu-like symptoms. Especially if the workouts are the super muscle-burning kind. (Golly gee Polly do I miss those muscle burning workouts back in the day.) Well, too bad for my poor workout challenges!

Day 2: 365 Gratitude

Things I am thankful for today:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 1: 365 Gratitude

I am starting a 365 Gratitude experiment. Each day for the next 365 days, I will write down everything I am grateful for in that day, and see where it takes me.

Friday, January 10, 2014


         This is one of my most favorite videos ever. Just watch it.

Just AWESOME. Let's be more than merely "pretty". 


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Mrs. Trusty

         The time had come. It was a bittersweet day in December that I finally said goodbye to Mrs. Rusty. She is still alive, the dear soul, but her ability to stay in the center of the road was becoming questionable.

Mrs. Rusty

Monday, January 6, 2014

We Are All Roses

A Rose (Pinterest)
A rose is so beautiful, yet it is not perfect. It has many thorns, and petals that wither, turn brown and die. Let us all be beautiful roses in this life, and accept that we are not perfect, but perfectly flawed.

Are We Beautiful, or Not? | Day 4: The “Beauty” Timeline

I was going to post this piece 3 weeks ago, but then too much got in the way with the holidays and all. Oh well, better late than never!

The “Beauty” Timeline

Unlike perceived beauty (personality, mannerism, outlook on life), objective “beauty” changes with the times.

What was considered beautiful at one point and time may be considered pure obscene and un-attractive now. And what is now considered beautiful today would probably have seemed extremely over the top, un-natural, and almost what they would have expected an alien to look like.