Sub title

My journey to finding healing, happiness, and me.
You will also find many random posts of some of the most random-est stuff :)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 4: 365 Gratitude | Exercise

A little over 2 weeks I started some workout challenges. It's really hard for me to work out because I have very little endurance, and tire out so quickly.

Then on Thursday, I crashed. I was exhausted to the core, and Friday was even worse. I stayed home, relaxed, sat around, and relaxed some more.

I slept in today, and I am feeling a lot better. :) 
  • I am grateful for that.

When I am exhausted to the bone, everything is worse: 

  • My attitude
  • My mood
  • My ability to move
  • I feel achy
  • Crave sweets
  • and I just feel like crap in general

So today has been a good day! I was even able to do a Bar Method workout. I got through the whole thing, which is surprising to me. I took breaks whenever I had to, but still!

I had skipped 3 days of my workout challenges, but I have decided to quit them. Instead, I am going to do the Bar Method a couple days a week (ONLY when I feel I have the reserve to do so), and yoga and qi gong on the off days. I really want to get stronger and toned, so it is discouraging when I feel like I have the flu just from working out a few days in a row.

Although today has been a lot better, I will probably still stay in tonight. I would love to go Kyds, but if I don’t have full energy to enjoy it (and the fact that I will feel dead tomorrow if I go), then I am better off just going sleep early. It'll be alright :) 

It’s hard for people to understand why I can’t do things and go Kyds and all that. They tend to believe that I’m just making excuses because I don’t want to go. This of course couldn’t be further from the truth.

They also don't realize that I get

Today I went grocery shopping. Me afterwards:

·         I am grateful for all the wonderful experiences I have had in life so far
·         For the groceries I was able to buy earlier
·         For the fact that I’m not going to give up
·         For hope
·         For people who don’t mind companionable silence. Lots of it
·         Inspirational quotes
·         The appointment I have with Myra Moyrylla next week
·         For God
·         For dreams
·         For the reminders that everything happens for a reason
·         For strength when the reasons can’t be seen

I don’t know when, and I don’t know how, but



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