Sub title

My journey to finding healing, happiness, and me.
You will also find many random posts of some of the most random-est stuff :)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

H. Pylori: A Deep Suspicion

H. Pylori

I have been doing a lot of research lately. Last week I watched four hours of video on h. pylori (one of the most common infections in the world), and did hours of reading/research as well.

How I got onto h. pylori (helicobacter pylori) was a little by chance. I was reading this blog, which is written by a girl about my age. She also has chronic fatigue, digestive issues, etc., plus more problems than me. Sooo many of our issues are the same however, and our stories are eerily the same—right down to being crabby babies, very sensitive as kids, ear infections and lots of antibiotics, and our “unexplainable” problems starting at age 12. Even stranger is that we are both super short—she’s only 5 feet tall! Put another ¾ of an inch on me, and we’d be the same height.

So anyway, I was like “Wow, if we have so much in common, it’s possible we have similar causes to our problems,” and so I pretty much read her entire blog.

Like me, doctors are unable to find out what is causing her problems. So also like me, she does a ton of research—reading books, blogs, doctor’s pages, studies, etc.—to try and become educated in hopes of finding the answers herself.

When I do research, I make sure my information is coming from a reputable source. If I am reading from some random person’s blog, I make sure they have trustworthy resources so that I can see that the information is true and factual. I have noticed that she does the same thing, and I believe what she writes. I am so grateful of everything she has written and shared, because #1, I probably wouldn’t have heard about it if she hadn’t written and posted her material, and #2, then I don’t have to do quite as much research.

When I read her blog post “The Truth About H. Pylori”, I thought, this is me! I have to learn more NOW. I had never heard about it before (what? how?), and something about it resonated deeply within me.

After watching the (quite long) videos she linked to, I felt even surer that what I have is h. pylori. It would explain EVERYTHING to a T: my vitamin B deficiency, low stomach acid, low pancreatic enzyme production, the almost zilch amount of probiotics in my gut, SAM-E (and other neurotransmitter) deficiency, migraines, headaches, leaky gut (which itself caused food allergies, environmental allergies, digestive issues and other symptoms), you get the idea.
H. pylori also close up your detox pathways, so you end up with an overload of toxins (like heavy metals), which themselves cause another host of problems: like thyroid and adrenal issues. All in all, you end up sapped of all energy, and you are left chronically fatigued in addition to an army of other distressing health dilemmas.

Next Steps

First of all, I emailed my chiropractor (who I haven’t been to in a while) and asked if he has had much success in finding and treating h. pylori, plus my concerns about heavy metal poisoning. He answered back that yes, he has been able to successfully treat both h. pylori and chelate heavy metals, and so I immediately made an appointment.

I canceled my appointment with Dr. W., since I feel like just going to my chiropractor doctor is enough right now. One step at a time, darlin’.

That appointment is tomorrow. I am both excited and a little afraid at what we will find. Excited that tomorrow may be the day I find out the answers to my years of health problems, but also afraid that we may come up with nothing. I am just going to let it all go now *poof* and trust that whatever happens, happens for the best and for my own good. Everything will come in due time.

Boxes, orders and food!

I am a little strange; possibly a little wacko as well.

I ordered a bunch of stuff last week, and when it came in I got so excited! Other teen girls—who open their big boxes of clothes—don’t get as excited as me when I open my boxes full of vitamins, coconut oil, clay, Epsom salt, and the like. But I guess that’s to be expected with someone like me: anytime you receive something that is meant to make you feel better, you just get so happy.

Part of my orders

I also went grocery shopping. Since I just got my paycheck from my new job, I was able to go and purchase the bulk items that I hadn’t been able to buy in a long time: bags of nuts, a bunch of different herbal teas, lots of fruit for drying, etc.

Calming, detoxing, and organ supporting teas.


Because I am leery of heavy metals, I am going to start a few different safe and natural detox methods. Bentonite clay baths, Epsom salt baths, oil pulling, and I’m continuing with the Neti Pot and my zapper.

Coconut oil, Epsom salt, and Bentonite clay

I also purchased some charcoal, which will help with digestive problems, allergies, and detox symptoms. I am going to just use this on occasion—when I’m feeling really crappy or am having digestive probs. While it removes excess gas and negative byproducts, it also does remove some good nutrients as well. So be smart when taking charcoal, fellow health nuts!

Last night I took my first clay bath. First of all, the clay wouldn’t mix right. It became slippery and lumpy when I mixed it with water, not muddy and easily spreadable like I thought it would be. I’m not sure how to fix this problem, but maybe I just need to add the water more slowly, and start mixing it with my hands right away. I’ll experiment some more and see if I can figure out the proper technique.

From what I read, Bentonite clay can clog your drain, so it’s good to cover the drain with a strainer of some sort (I didn’t have one so I used a cloth) to catch the chunks, and just allow the loose stuff to go down. Before I even started the tub, the drain wasn’t draining properly, so I was worried that it might become completely clogged by the time I was finished. But guess what? The opposite happened, and the drain became completely unclogged! Like whoa…


Before I even started the tub, I scrubbed the tub out with baking soda and vinegar. So now it’s a mystery as to how the drain became unclogged: from the baking soda and vinegar, or from the clay? Or from a mixture of both? Who knows? But I’m off subject, so rerouting!

I had read of some people leaving a ton of black, sludgy clay at the bottom of the tub after a detoxing clay bath. I only noticed a tiny bit of black sludgy clay—so little that I had to look real close at the bottom of the tub. I’m not sure if that means not many toxins came out of me, or if not that means I’m not very toxic to begin with. Or if I’m reading too much into black sludgy clay. Kooky padoodles, I confuse myself.

I drank a lemonade-iced tea during my bath, and lots of water during and after the bath, as it can make you lose a bit water, salt, minerals and electrolytes. (A sauna does the same thing.) I also took magnesium to replenish the mineral, and while I thought about eating something salty, I wasn’t craving salt so I figured I was fine.

After the bath, I was extremely relaxed and sleepy. My skin was a little dry (clay will do that), so I moisturized my whole body with coconut oil—while swishing with coconut oil at the same time.

I fell asleep almost immediately after I crawled into bed, with my zapper happily zapping away at the bottom of my foot. (I like wearing my zapper to bed, because it makes me have vivid, entertaining dreams. Who knew sleep could be entertaining!)

But when I woke this morning, I had a headache. Oh boy, those dreaded headaches! I was also extremely tired all day, with a ton of brain fog. I was probably dehydrated, but I also suspect it may be a detox symptom. Maybe I just went to bed too late last night, or maybe I didn’t get enough sleep after a detox bath. Maybe I really should have eaten something salty, or maybe, maybe, maybe…

How will I ever know for sure?

Oh, that’s right, I could muscle test.

But you don’t know how to muscle test yourself, Linnaia dear.

True, true…I have yet to figure out how to do the sway test truthfully. And it’s not like there’s always someone around who can muscle test for me. Shucks, shucker poos, cruddy dumpkins. Oh well.

Scalded Tongue Cure

Let me tell you a little story:

Last week, I was busily and contentedly researching natural solutions online, when I had the feeling that I would like a cup of tea. (Yes, I drink tea. And yes, I love it. And no, I don’t drink coffee. Why? ‘Cause I don’t like it, and I can’t handle the caffeine.)

I love these little messages! Hehe, I like quirky things :)


Once my steaming cup of aromatic perfectness was finally steeped to perfection, I picked it up and inhaled its wonderfulness. Then I took a sip, and immediately backwashed. My tongue was scalded like a lobster boiled alive, and it turned just as red. It hurt like the dickens, and boy was I irritated. I felt like weeping tears of sorrow into my cup of now-ruined tea, but of course I soldiered up and decided that a better tactic was to just find a cure for my painful tongue.

I tried the first home remedy I found: pour a spoonful of sugar onto your tongue, wait a few minutes, and spit it out. I was skeptical, but I tried it anyway. Let me tell you, it didn’t work a lick.

Then, out of the depths of my deep intuitive insight, came an inspiring thought like a bolt of lightning from the heavens. (Well, maybe it wasn’t quite so dramatic, but it sounds better that way.) Why not try oil pulling? I thought.

So I did. I melted a tablespoon of coconut oil, and then added a couple drops of tea tree oil (which is good for burns). I swished for 20 minutes, and then spit the remnants into the garbage.

I was shocked at the results. Normally when I burn my tongue, it’s days before it feels better (or so it seems). But after 20 minutes of oil pulling, I was practically cured! The pain was gone, and except for a tiny bit of a “scratchy” feeling, I was back to normal.

Needless to say, I will do this every time I burn my tongue!


After I eat something scrumptious and healthy, I am going to take another detox bath, this time with Epsom salt and some Bentonite clay, along with some essential oil. Baths really are super-duper relaxing.

If I get the chance, I will give myself a manicure. Yes, I still bite my nails. I quit for a month, and then relapsed, and lately, filing my nails every day just hasn’t been at the top of my list of priorities. So things are pretty much out of hand at the end of my fingers.

I will then go to bed at a decent hour, and get up and get going tomorrow morning with plenty of time before my appointment. Or at least I hope that will happen.




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